Buy & Sell Stuff From Home
Sell anything that’s legal
- Have instant access to an online store
To start selling on Jootree, you simply need to create an account, list your items, upload pictures, add title and description, choose category, set a price and you’re up and running. It’s easy, it’s fast, and free to add an item. Only pay 10% per sale.
If you have electronics, furniture, beauty supplies or downloadable products that you want to sell quickly, all you need is nothing other than your smartphone to complete the sale.
Sell Everywhere
Try Jootree for free and reach more potential buyers in your area! We have all the tools you need to start, run, and grow your business. Earn cash by selling your stuff online for free.
Sell Stuff Locally Online
Our simple platform enables retailers and wholesalers to instantly sell their goods and services online for free.
Why sell on Jootree
Jootree is Ebay alternative where customers can find anything they might want to buy online. Here’s a breakdown of the benefits of selling stuff with Jootree:
- No Listing fee
- Enjoy Unlimited Listing
- Only pay 10% per sale
- Manage your on online store.
- Sell stuff locally online
- Reach millions of potential customers online